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At Great Lakes Family Dental, we will do everything possible to help you retain your existing teeth and keep them healthy. However, there are times when a tooth is beyond restoration and needs to be extracted. That’s when it’s time to schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon.

Dental Extraction Services

Dental Extraction Services
  • An oral surgeon uses local anesthetic and, when needed, sedation to make you feel comfortable during your surgery.
  • Oral surgeons complete additional years of surgical and anesthesia training in a hospital residency program after completing dental school.
  • Oral surgeons at Great Lakes Family Dental have completed training in a variety of dental surgical techniques including tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, and bone grafting. They're trained to address diseases impacting the gums, teeth, and mouth such as periodontal disease.
  • Our oral surgeons will work with your general dentist to ensure you get the best care possible, before and after an extraction.
  • Our oral surgeons continuously strive to improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence throughout their careers.

Reasons for Dental Extractions

There are several main reasons a tooth may need to be extracted -- tooth decay, trauma, gum infection, advanced periodontal disease, or abscess, and overcrowding, or lack of space in the mouth for the teeth. If you are experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity to heat or cold, contact Great Lakes Family Dental today to schedule an appointment. We may be able to save your tooth. We have many tooth replacement options all of which we can discuss during your consultation.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay often occurs when a cavity has formed and goes untreated for an extended period. If you have the cavity filled, decay typically will decrease.

However, if the cavity is not treated in time, decay can continue to progress and cause the tooth to become weak. Once the cavity has overgrown the tooth, your tooth structure declines and you may need an extraction to prevent decay from spreading to other teeth and to reduce pain.

Tooth Damage

When you have damaged your tooth a dentist can typically restore the tooth with a crown or dental bonding.

However, if the damage goes past the tooth pulp, your dentist may not be able to repair the tooth, and a dental extraction procedure may be needed. If the tooth is severely damaged, even if your dentist is able to repair it, there is still a risk of tooth decay or an infection that can require an extraction in the future.

Dental Abscess

When an infection forms at the tooth root and tissue, it is known as a dental abscess. In most situations, a dentist will be able to save the tooth by doing a root canal. In a root canal treatment, the infected area is removed from the tooth's roots.

However, in severe cases, the dentist may not be able to repair the tooth, and it may be in the patient’s best interest to have the tooth removed. Having a tooth extraction can help prevent further infection from spreading to your jawbone or adjoining teeth.

Wisdom Teeth

One of the most common types of oral surgery is wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom teeth often develop problems that require their extraction. When the jaw is not large enough to accommodate the wisdom teeth, they can become impacted (unable to come in or misaligned). Wisdom teeth can grow sideways, emerge only part way or remain trapped beneath the gum and bone.

Extraction of wisdom teeth is generally recommended when:

  • Wisdom teeth partially erupt. The partial eruption can leave an opening for bacteria around the tooth and cause an infection, pain, swelling, jaw stiffness, and general illness.
  • There could be a chance that poorly aligned wisdom teeth can damage adjacent teeth.
  • A cyst (fluid-filled sac) forms and destroys the surrounding structures such as the bone or tooth roots.

Read more about wisdom teeth extraction.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Once the tooth is removed, you will want to take preventative steps to promote healing. Your dental team will provide you with treatment care instructions for your comfort and healing to reduce the possibility of complications.

Bleeding is normal but will subside. You will go home with a gauze pack placed on the extraction site to minimize the bleeding and promote a blood clot. Refrain from biting down or chewing on the gauze pack. Replace the pack as needed.

Dental extractions are performed in the dental office. Contact your local Great Lakes Family Dental location if you are experiencing tooth pain or discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to eat after dental surgery tooth extraction?

Soft, malleable food is recommended. Liquid and soft foods such as apple sauce, yogurt, smoothies, soups, and mashed potatoes are the easiest to consume. Come cold foods, such as Jell-O, pudding and ice cream can temporarily soothe pain and discomfort you may experience.

Be sure to avoid any consumption that involves sucking, such as drinking through a straw or smoking. This can cause stitches to be removed, and open dry sockets in your gums.

How long does dental pain last after extraction?

Generally, pain from an extraction can last about a week. Pain will begin to decrease after the third day of healing, and after a week, new tissue will begin to form at the extraction site. The first two days of recovery are the ones that will require the most attention and care. Bleeding will stop once the blood clot forms, which occurs during the two days immediately after. Be sure to rinse your mouth with warm salt water, and eat soft and malleable foods to avoid irritating the recovery area. If a dry socket forms at the extraction site, this will slow the recovery time and cause undue pain at the site.

Can dental implants be placed immediately after dental extraction?

Dental implants may be placed immediately following your tooth extraction, depending on your specific type of extraction. Immediate placement would occur after surgery if there is sufficient bone present around the extraction site. If the bone around the extraction needs to heal, placing the implant may wait 3 - 6 months while healing.

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If your request is a dental emergency, or you would like to call and schedule your dental appointment, contact information for our offices can be found here: Great Lakes Family Dental Locations. New patient offer not valid for emergency appointments.